Summary / Articles

Belinda Reines is the chief medical officer on the Alliance Star Ship Muffin. She is an accomplished doctor of both human and alien physiology as well as a veterinarian. She is also a Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi Council. She often comes off as cold and emotionless but this stems mostly from the fact that she grew up quickly and has focused a majority of her life on intellectual and spiritual pursuits rather than emotional connections. She is sarcastic and quick to anger, though she is usually able to bring her anger into check.

Martin "Marty" Jasper was the Executive Officer on the Alliance Starship Muffin and a former Jedi Knight and has now become the Sith Lord Darth Noyance. As executive officer of the Muffin he was often seen as slow witted and incompetent which lead to much criticism and may have lead to his scorn and low self esteem, however he did his job as was necessary and assisted the Captain with what needed to be done. Eventually Marty and the Captain formed a rapport and a friendship. Marty was often slow to understand the Captain's sarcasm but he was a sweet and naive man who enjoyed his work and his life. He has stumbled upon several failed attempts to relationships and one of those was partially a catalyst for his fall to the dark side. As a Sith he has gained confidence and taken a level in bad-ass. He tends to complain about some of the situations that he is put in but as many of those situations might lead to his death his complaints tend to be justified. He loves Tetris and involving himself in internet communities.

Shauna Finelli is the chief engineer of the Alliance Starship Muffin. She is an officer in the Colonial Marines but currently serves in the Alliance Navy as part of the their Intermilitary Program. She is an extremely talented mechanic and can use anything to repair the ship. She maintains a relationship with Captain Smith though the new XO is not aware of it but would be angry to discover it. She is abrasive and violent to those who stand in her way or hurt the ones she cares about but can be extremely sweet and caring to those she loves. Her role as Chief Engineer keeps her busy with the various repairs and modifications the ship requires, or at least the ones she thinks it requires. She continues to produce new and interesting technology for use on the ship and is responsible for Belinda Reines's personal ship Lil' Bastard as well as several heavily modified astromech droids on board the ship.

Robert Smith is the captain of the Alliance Star Ship Muffin. He has had a long and distinguished career, marred only by the "Macaroni Incident" which landed him his current position. He is a stoic and tolerant Captain who has settled into his role as the reluctant father to a group of crazed children who run around his ship. He has come to love his crew as if they were his children and feels responsible and pained when they are hurt. He is devoted to the Alliance in spirit but has begun to question the leadership behind it.

Snoogiewoogielar or TAG (short for Token Alien Guy) is a representative of the Nuzzalari science council on board the Muffin and the Muffin's Chief Science Officer. He wears his heart on his sleeve, or rather on top of his head as his antenna changes color to reflect strong emotions. He tries to maintain a cold and even temper as not to allow a change to his antenna but he betrays his emotions far often than he would like. He is often sarcastic and snide but respects his Captain regardless of how he might act.

Robin Cunningham is the omniphobic chief weapons officer of the Alliance Starship Muffin. He is jittery and full of irrational fears, but seems remarkably devoid of a great many rational fears. He has a love of weapons and weapon systems and is well versed in a variety of combat techniques, both personally and at the starship level. He loves video games and simulations that provide him with a safer environment. The reason for his wearing an eyepatch remains a mystery.

4675636B or 46 is a robot designed for security who developed a personality based on caustic humor and general annoyance. He is angry and short with everyone and quick to spout off any number of vulgarities whether the situation calls for them or not. He is dedicated and proud of his job as Chief of Security of the Muffin and takes it as a personal insult when prisoners escape from him. Being a Droid he is ever vigilant and generally antisocial.

Johnny Danger is the pilot of the Alliance Starship Muffin. His attitude toward women leads him into a lot of pain and suffering, mostly because they hurt him. He is crass and somewhat dense, though his space piloting skills are exceptional his air based flying skills tend to be hindered by things like the ground. He is a loyal and devoted crew member but easily coerced by good looking women.

Skip Tyler is the Alliance Starship Muffin's communications officer who can't slow down his speech. He is bright and energetic and tends to be thought of as far too energetic. He has a grasp of communication systems few could understand and possibly owing to his extreme rate of speech is able to encrypt the communications system to a point that almost no one can break through it without his knowledge.

Red Shirt is a stereotypical anonymous ensign who attracts accidents and mishaps wherever he goes. He is kind and gentle and extremely naive. He expects the best from people and tries to put his best forward at any given time. He seems to attract trouble, however, and though he has died on many occasions, Dr. Reines manages to put him back together with relative ease. It has been revealed that his bloodline contains humans of exceptional abilities which may account for his ability to survive and horrible things that have happened to him. He is a prophesied "Chosen One" of the Cryptlons.

Alice Tolman is the Alliance Starship Muffin's counselor, that was deemed necessary given the crew's proclivity for psychosis. She is bubbly and energetic and loves working with people, even if they don't like working with her. She sees neurosis and psychosis in everyone and some inanimate objects and enjoys long discussions about what is inherently wrong with people, which has gotten her into trouble on occasion.

The Lightsaber is the main close-combat weapon used by both Jedi and Sith. It consists of a beam of energy produced by a small portable hilt generated through a focusing crystal which produces the variations in color seen with different sabers. Changes in the form and function of the blade can be made through adjustments in the field which maintains the length of the energized plasma forming the blade.
The lightsaber is considered a more elegant weapon than a blaster? but it is often far more dangerous to use as those who do not completely control the blade can tend to lose pieces of themselves. Due to the nature of the weapon all of the weight is in the handle and thus makes wielding difficult for those who are not experienced. A minor ability in Force usage is required for skilled use of a lightsaber.

The Ancients were a race that lived on a variety of worlds across the Galaxy. They became highly technologically advanced and were responsible for the construction of the Stargates. They are also have known to have covered several worlds with energy damping fields which prevent the use of certain energy based technologies, including most weapons currently used by the younger races. They vanished from the galaxy around 50,000 B.C. but have left behind the legacy of their technology and their teachings. Most younger races know of the Ancients but rarely speak of them. It is speculated that the Ancient ascended to a higher plane of existence and that their appearance was once humanoid.

The Cryptlons are a secretive and enigmatic race intent on hiding their true identities from the rest of the galaxy, or at least the younger races. They do this by hiding within encounter suits which ostensibly allow cryptlons to survive within hostile atmospheres but more specifically hide their appearance from any who look upon them.

The Old Ones are a race of extradimensional beings who came from beyond the universe eons ago and settled primarily on the hideous planet Yuggoth and its moons Nithon, Thog and Thok. Though many maintain summer homes on planets, including the non-euclidean city of R'lyeh beneath the seas of Earth.

The Punctuations are an omnipotent race who reside somewhere slightly extra dimensionally near the universe but not necessarily as a part of it. They have a particular fascination or association with the galaxy of Legostar Galactica but do not interfere often.

The Time Lords were one of the First Ones, an ancient race in the the galaxy. Through their manipulation of time they were able to cross not just vast distances in space but vasts distances in time.

Aarkaash are a technologically sophisticated race from the outer core world of Idsocaa. They are a amphibian humanoid species with eyes mounted at the tops of their heads and elongated faces extending to mouths just above their torsos. They are responsible for much of the technology that the Alliance has built and refined.

Nuzzalari are a humanoid race from the inner rim world of Nuzzalar who bear a mood sensitive antenna atop their heads. They were a founding member of the Alliance and maintain a strong presence within the government.