Characters / Shauna
Shauna Finelli
Shauna Finelli

Biographical Information

Rank: Colonel
Position: Chief Engineer
Ship: Muffin
Serial Number: 6743992
Birthday: 3/23/2328
Homeworld: Mars

Physical Description

Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 5 1/2"
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue/Green

Chronological Information


Behind the Scenes

Played by: Jewel Staite
First Appearance: 08-27-2002

Colonel Shauna Finelli

"Duck and Cover!."--Shauna, prior to a mishap.

Shauna Finelli is the chief engineer of the Alliance Starship Muffin. She is an officer in the Colonial Marines but currently serves in the Alliance Navy as part of the their Intermilitary Program. She is an extremely talented mechanic and can use anything to repair the ship. She maintains a relationship with Captain Smith though the new XO is not aware of it but would be angry to discover it. She is abrasive and violent to those who stand in her way or hurt the ones she cares about but can be extremely sweet and caring to those she loves. Her role as Chief Engineer keeps her busy with the various repairs and modifications the ship requires, or at least the ones she thinks it requires. She continues to produce new and interesting technology for use on the ship and is responsible for Belinda Reines's personal ship Lil' Bastard as well as several heavily modified astromech droids on board the ship.


Early Childhood

Shauna Rebbecca Finelli was the last of five children and the only girl in her family. She was born on Mars during the great martian depression and helped her family struggle to get by. Shauna spent most of her life tinkering in her father's machine shop on Mars. As a child she was quick to pick up on all of the intricacies of machine work and much to her father's delight and her brothers' dismay she quickly became the best mechanic in town and soon after the best mechanic in Amazonis Planitia. In addition to tinkering with all manner of machines that crossed her path Shauna was also avidly interested in boys, an interest which her father did not delight in as much and her brothers delighted in even less. Shauna, however, always knew how to defend herself and if she decided that a boy was not good enough for her, then woe be it on them who chose to continue aggressive pursuit.


Into her teen years Shauna grew into a beautiful woman and an excellent mechanic. Through her help her family gathered enough money to send her to a good school, however this was unnecessary as she picked up an engineering scholarship when the dean of Mars Technical Institute had a near fatal crash some kilometers from the Finelli home and Shauna not only saved him but repaired his craft.

College Girl

After obtaining a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Mars Tech Shauna received her M. S. from a small engineering school on Uranus's moon Oberon. During this time, in addition to her studies Shauna exhibited interest in a small modeling career, a career which culminated, much to her family's dismay in posing for Playbrick. As Miss September 2346 she gained a lot of unwanted attention both then and later when Johnny Danger discovered the old issue. She is openly embarrassed about the photo shoot but secretly rather proud of the effect she had on people.

Helping Hand

Shortly after her graduation, while working back at home a Colonial Marine Dreadnaught was forced to make landing near her father's home for repairs. The ship was badly damaged and the crew had almost written off ever repairing it, but were impressed when Shauna was able to almost single-handedly bring the ship back to better than working order. Brigadier General Lawrence Ghant was so impressed that he almost insisted that Shauna join the marines, and when she did he made sure that she was assigned to his crew.


On board the Long Shadow?, the ship which she had repaired, Shauna quickly grew close with the rest of the small crew of marines. The Long Shadow was in fact a very special marine ship sent on covert missions for the Alliance and in addition to her responsibilities fixing the ship Shauna also learned a great deal about combat and tactics, as well as several secrets she is sure the Alliance would rather she not know. She operated on the Long Shadow under the codename "Wildcat" as most of the crew, though sometimes on board the ship used their real names, in the field and over coms their real names were never used. It was not long before Shauna was promoted through the ranks and continued to impress General Ghant. He was sad to see her go when she gained the rank of colonel and transferred to a small underpowered ship in the Navy. She left her friends on good terms but had decided she needed a new challenge, a bigger ship and a more complex engine, in reality she had grown unhappy with the covert missions and had begun to suspect that the Alliance was not as benevolent as she had first thought. She still keeps in touch with several of her former Long Shadow crew members.

The Muffin

As part of the Alliance Intermilitary Program she joined the crew of the Muffin as chief engineer. Having the Marine rank of Colonel she was actually on par, as far as ranking, as the Captain of the ship, then Captain Hermes Rodrigo. However, she had no interest in command, only in working on the underpowered engine. She quickly modified the ship so extensively that she was forced to use parts not normally associated with engines to complete her designs. By the time Captain Rodrigo had finished with the Muffin the ship moved better than any ship in the fleet and made toast as it went. Just before joining the crew of the Muffin Shauna acquired a Cat named Conway who would accompany her as a pet with Captain Rodrigo's permission. Most ships in the fleet did not accept pets like Cats, however, Rodrigo was flexible and Shauna was allowed to keep the Cat.

New Captain

Shauna Finelli

Shauna's reaction to Captain Smith was one of instant attraction and she wasted little time in forging a romantic relationship with him.

New Engines

A Rival

Unsolicited Advice

Personality Traits

Shauna is extremely outgoing and friendly, she loves to tinker with all things mechanical and still has an obsession with boys, however that obsession has been mostly focused on Captain Smith and she is fairly confident that he is 'the one' though she has not expressed this to him just yet. Her primary weapon choice is a large wrench, however she has been known to carry energy weapons of various sizes and damage capability.

Powers and Abilities

Shauna is a master mechanic and engineer and can work around almost any mechanical problem presented to her. She has a quick mind and a sharper tongue when it comes to people questioning her. She has a proficency with heavy weapons and is a lot stronger than her frame would suggest.


Shauna is in a relationship with Captain Bob Smith and has been for some time. She is also very devoted to her cat, Conway. Shauna considers Belinda Reines to be her best friend and the two have spent much time together. Alice is growing on her, but she's not entirely sure how she feels about the ship's counselor just yet.
Shauna hates Lieutenant Deborah Pascal for many reasons and she is certain eventually they will come to blows.

Behind the Scenes

  • After seeing Kaylee on Firefly (a show which came out after Legostar Galactica started) the author noted that Kaylee was exactly what he had in mind when he created Shauna, thus casting Jewel Staite in the role is only fitting