Races / Neeedlisk

Attach:neeedlisk.jpg Δ

Language: Neeed
Average Height: 6'-7'
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: face tentacles

Famous Members


Neeedlisk were a cephalopidan humanoid species known for their business savy.

Biology and Appearance

Neeedlisk were humanoid cephalopods with long curved heads and branching tentacles that extended from in front of their mouths. They were capable of producing a dark inky substance when frightened.

Society and Culture

Neeedlisk society was based around commerce and business much like the fegri due to their early interactions with the fegri during their early exploration of their sector.


Neeedlisk history was not recorded and retained prior to the arrival of the fegri on their world, so the state of their world prior to that point was largely unknown. After fegri involvement, however, the Neeedlisk began record keeping in a meticulous manner and balance sheets and income statements.

Behind the Scenes

  • Neeedlisks were named in the Name the Alien Contest! Neeedlisk was the first prize winner, given by forumeite LZorro, for whom the L'Zorrans are named for.