Races / LZorran

Attach:lzorran.jpg Δ

Homeworld: Wok
Average Height:
Hair Color:

Famous Members


L'Zorrans were an echinoderm species with an exceptional grasp of mathematics.

Biology and Appearance

L'Zorrans belonged to the class echiondermata. To most races, at first appearance, they seemed to be spineless unintelligent masses that lumbered around. Though most of that was true, they were a highly intelligent species that communicated through pheromonal excretions.

Society and Culture

L'Zorrans appeared to lead solitary lives with little society or culture, though they had great intelligence they appeared to shun those of their own species.


What little could be learned of L'Zorran history consisted primarily of personal histories of the individual members, rather than a history of the race itself.

Behind the Scenes

  • L'Zorrans were named after Forumite LZorro for winning the Name an Alien! contest.