Races / Fegri


Homeworld: Fegri Prime
Language: Fegrenar
Average Height: 4'
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: short and greedy

Famous Members

Ambassador Dimok


Fegri are a race of diminutive mammalian humanoids who are filled with greed and obsessed with the acquisition of wealth, there is little variation in these traits among members of the species.

Biology and Appearance

Fegri are short in stature and sport a series of strange patterns on their hairless heads. The pattern differs from individual to individual but maintain a resemblance within a bloodline. They have five lobes to their brains one of which is known to them as the accumulation lobe which their scientists claim all business sense is located. They view other races as not having this lobe and thus are inferior.

Culture and Society

Fegri enjoy currency and will often go so far as to steal things for trade. Their entire society is based around economic standing and the accumulation of wealth and they look down on other races for not being as economically savvy as themselves.


The fegri economy has risen and fallen over the centuries and they currently hold a tentative trading agreement with the Alliance. They control a small region space in the inner and mid rim regions. They also maintain good trade relations with the Hutts.

Behind the Scenes

  • The Fegri are not so loosely based on the Ferengi of Star Trek.