Races / Ionite


Homeworld: Iona
Language: Ionian
Average Height: 6'-7'
Hair Color: varies
Distinctions: rounded head ridge

Famous Members


Ionites are a humanoid race of miners from the outer rim world of Iona.

Biology and Appearance

Ionites feature a rounded head ridge with a groove down the middle. This head ridge houses a hollow space which aides them in echo location deep inside dark mines, they developed this as a subteranian species and as a result have a severely underdeveloped sense of sight.

Culture and Society

Mining consumes ionites, it is what they know, it is what they have known for generations. It is not an easy job, though recent advances in technology have made it easier they still maintain a passion for ore and processing ore and have built their society around it.


Ionites have always been known as miners and are often hired to their mining ability in their own and in distant systems. They also handle the transport of their own ore and have good trade relations with the Alliance.

Behind the Scenes