Races / CricketPeople

Cricket People

Homeworld: Chirpus 9
Language: Crick
Average Height: 3'
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: resemble crickets

Famous Members

Cricket People

The Cricket People are an insectoid race from the colonial world of Chirpus 9. They evolved from crickets and the name that they use for themselves has proved inprounceable to other species, thus human colonists on Chirpus 9 simply refer to them as the cricket people.

Biology and Appearance

The Cricket People resemble larger than average crickets. They use copper instead of iron to carry oxygen through their blood and like many large insectoids feature an open circulatory system. Their primary method of sensation is a pair of long antenna on their heads. Like other arthropods they have jointed legs and a chitonous carapace. All six of their appendages function as legs and they have no opposable digits and thus do not use tools. Only hive queens are capable of producing offspring.

Culture and Society

The cricket people maintain a rigid caste society and all worship their hive queens as goddesses, there are a few "kings" who service the queen and provide the genetic material for her to produce offspring but a majority of the hive are drones, subclassed into builders and warriors.


When humans first settled on Chirpus 9 they were attacked by the cricket people who saw them as invaders, but through the intervention of the jedi they were able to find a peace with the hives and share in the splendor of Chirpus 9.

Behind the Scenes

  • The Cricket People were created merely as the punchline to a series of jokes.