Main / Timeline

This is a timeline of the Legostar Galactica universe. Time is measured based around the Earth system of measurement.

Distant Past

13,700,000,000 B.C. to 50,000 B.C.

The Big Bang
Galaxy forms
Rise of the First Ones

Early History

50,000 B. C. to 1900 A. D.

The Ancients Vanish
Rise of the Younger Races
First Jedi
First Sith
Michael Grey becomes Darth Creepius and takes over the Sith
The Great Sith War
Una Defeats Creepius and both vanish during the battle of Talum Grey
Darth Phagocytosis takes on the vision of Darth Creepius and builds a new Sith Army
Darth Phagocytosis and his army are defeated at Chell due primarily to the Saber of Ages at the Battle of Karovallial
The Goa'uld Spread Humans across the Galaxy as slaves

Contemporary Times

The 20th Century

World War I
World War II

The 21st Century

The Last Great Time War
All but two Time Lords die
An earth air force team eliminates most of the Goa'uld System Lords
The Evolutionary War
World War III
Humans enter a second Dark Age

The Future

The 22nd Century

Earth Humans reach out into space again
Formation of the Unified Galactic Alliance

The 23ed Century

The Remulan War

The 24th Century

The Macaroni Incident
The Synari War
Return of Darth Creepius
The Clown Wars
Assassination of President Zaius
Darth Tiffany becomes Darth Bitch
Forging of the Islandian Treaty
Being a Jedi becomes illegal
The Fall of Martin Jasper
Fight over the Saber of Ages
Darth Creepius gains the Saber of Ages
Second Remulan War Begins
The Muffin enters the Parallel Universe

Mirror Universe Timeline

The Events That Are Different

The Ancients Don't Vanish
First Evil Jedi
First Good Sith
Emo Panderelli Becomes Master Scaredycat
The Unnoticed Jedi Peace Treaty
Humans Spread Goa'uld across Planet Mars as Kings
Universal Peace Treaty I
Universal Peace Treaty II
The First Unnoticed Timeless Peace Treaty
The Goa'uld land force team are allowed to live by a few mars humans
Universal Peace Treaty III
Goa'uld leave second Light Age
Goa'uld come out of orbit for the first time
Destruction of the Ununited Planetary Rivals
The Dalek Peace Treaty
The Gungan Peace Treaty
Death of Master Scaredycat
The Halloween Peace Treaty
Being a Sith is encouraged
The Rise of Captain Jasper Marty
The Lollipop Departs the Perpandiclular Planet