Races / Symian


Homeworld: Symia
Language: Symian
Average Height: 3'
Hair Color: brown
Distinctions: monkey like

Famous Members

Alliance President Zaius
Master Kee-on Dawg


Symians are a primate mamallian race from the Outer Core world of Symia. They serve as diplomats and negotiators and were one of the early races to join the Alliance.

Biology and Appearance

Symians appear very much like Earth monkeys, with four legs each bearing opposable digits and a prehensile tail. They bear a somewhat higher intelligence and use of tools, however.

Culture and Society

Symian society is based strongly around the family structure and they hold bonds of family in the highest regard. Their primary worship is that of their dead ancestors. They chose not to wear clothing, even around other races.


Symians have long been a strong force in the galaxy promoting peace and understanding. Many of them have become jedi and fought to keep the peace.

Behind the Scenes

  • Monkeys from Pirate Lego Sets circa 1989.