Races / Paxatron

Attach:paxatron.jpg Δ

Homeworld: Chell
Average Height:
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Famous Members


Paxatrons were an icthyoid species of superb strategists.

Biology and Appearance

Paxatrons were a species evolved from icthyoid acquatic species. They were capable of breathing both air and water and were speculated to be distantly related to the Mon Calamari.

Society and Culture

Their society was a complex oligarchy run by an elite military few. Strategy and corporate manipulation were highly respected by the paxatron.


The paxatron had a violent militant history that stretched back thousands of years. Their bloody rebellions and revolts honed society into a strong people with extensive strategic skills.

Behind the Scenes

  • Paxatron are named for the forumite Paxieamor for getting third place in the Name an Alien! contest for naming the Vesprian.