Races / Kalmar


Homeworld: Weraang
Language: Kalamari
Average Height: 4'-5'
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: semi-aquatic

Famous Members


Kalmar were a race of semi-aquatic cephaloid humanoids with a knack for business.

Biology and Appearance

The Kalmar males had large eyes that rose up in stalks away from their heads and wide mouths with long vicious tongues. Their skin varied in color and pattern though the rest of their biology was more humanoid. Female kalmars had a greener tint to their skin and often had patterns of blue on that green. They had large eyes, but not on stalks like males, instead they had facial tentacles.

Society and Culture

The Kalmar society is based on a heavy bartar system, and much like the Fegri they were a species of commerce and trade.


The Kalmar of Weraang grew up in the shadow of the Giant Space Squid in much the way that humans of Earth grew up in the shadow of the Deep Ones. Myths and legends abounded in their culture but still the Kalmar became a prosperous society.

Behind the Scenes

  • The Kalmar males come from the Space Police III LEGO sets. Much of their culture and personality was inspired by Squid-man of Tranquility Base.
  • Kalmar females come from the collectible minifigure series 13 line.