Races / Jaffa


Homeworld: Chulak
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The Jaffa were an offshoot of humanity, genetically engineered by the Goa'uld. They had an abdominal pouch which served to incubate larval Goa'uld. The infant Goa'uld provided strength, longevity, and good health, at the cost of supplanting the Jaffa's natural immune system, making them dependent on the Goa'uld for more symbiotes. The Jaffa had a warrior culture and formed the armies of the Goa'uld.[1]

Biology and Appearance

The Jaffa were created from the human slaves taken from Earth by the Goa'uld. They were genetically altered to function as incubators for Goa'uld young. The process ensured compatibility and the success of implantation once the Goa'uld matured and took a host.[1]

Society and Culture

Jaffa were a society of warriors and bore the mark of their "gods", a black symbol tattooed on the foreheads. They believed the Goa'uld to be gods and did not see themselves as slaves until the advent of the Jaffa Rebellion. They believed that serving their gods is the highest calling, and to die while performing their tasks lead to great rewards in the afterlife. Without Jaffa, however, the Goa'uld had limited power. The Jaffa fought their wars, oversaw their human slaves, and determined their strength and ultimate success.[1]


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