Races / Gomshi


Homeworld: Hal Vala
Language: Goshli
Average Height: 5'-6'
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: blue skinned

Famous Members



Gomshi are a porcine humanoid race from the outer core world of Hal Vala. They are known for their textile manufacturing plants and a key member in the Textile Guild.

Biology and Appearance

The Gomshi are a blue skinned, pig nosed people. They are sometimes mistaken for Zombies due to the hue of their skin and their minimal intelligence. They also bear a sensitivity to extreme heat.

Culture and Society

Gomshi culture has been based around slavery for thousands of years, and thought the Alliance frowns upon such practices they have done nothing to curb the gomshi use of slaves in factories as it benefits them.


The gomshi joined the Alliance fairly early on, being part of the aarkaash's alliance of worlds.

Behind the Scenes