Races / Zombie


Homeworld: Transylvania
Language: none
Average Height: varies
Hair Color: varies
Distinctions: undead

Famous Members


Zombies are an undead race of humanoid originating on Transylvania.

Biology and Appearance

Zombies are not specifically a race but rather creatures who have been made dead then undead by various powers. They lack complex intelligence but are still sentient and sometimes retain the memories and thoughts of the lifeforms they once were. Unlike with vampires it is impossible to unbecome a zombie, even if the zombie creator is dead. They can only be killed by removing the head or destroying the brain.

Culture and Society

Zombies have no culture or society, they only wish for braaaaaaaaiiiiiins.



Behind the Scenes

  • Brains!
  • Various heads used for zombies are mostly Darth Vader's head from Star Wars sets, which are gray and show scaring.