Races / Asgardian

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Homeworld: Asgard?
Language: Asgardian
Average Height: 5'-6'
Hair Color: varies
Distinctions: extremely strong

Famous Members


Asgardians were powerful humanoids who took on the guise of the Norse Gods, or the Norse Gods came from them. One way or the other. Not to be confused with The Asgard.

Biology and Appearance

The Asgardians appeared human at first glance but they lived much longer and were much more physically powerful than humans.

Society and Culture

Though technologically advanced, the Asgardians appeared as a medieval society, making most of their technology appear to be magic.


The history of the Asgardians was one of conflict and war, but for the purpose of bringing about peace in the galaxy.

Behind the Scenes

The Asgardians are from the Marvel? Universe. More specifically, as depicted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.