Races / Asgard

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Homeworld: Othala?
Language: Asgard
Average Height: 3'-4'
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: Clone biology

Famous Members


The Asgard are a very old race of aliens described as being small and grey. They played a role in the development of some religions on Earth. Not to be confused with Asgardians.

Biology and Appearance

The Asgard appear as short, extremely skinny, large eyed and large headed humanoids, with grey skin.

Society and Culture

Asgard culture was built around technology, so much so that their race were all genetic clones and they had left behind sexual reproduction in their distant past.


The history of the Asgard was intertwined with a number of worlds where they appeared as benevolant gods, in contrast with the Goa'uld.

Behind the Scenes

The Asgard come from the Stargate Universe.