Creatures / Pekahi

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Homeworld: Shogun
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Pekahi were ravenous wolf-like creatures native to the moon of Shogun. In very rare cases they were domesticated as vicious guard animals.

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Biology and Appearance

Though pekahi resembled the wolves of Earth the resemblance was only superficial and the creatures that inhabited Shogun were larger, more aggressive and far more dangerous to anything that moved. Their hide was thick and covered in a layer of dense fur that made attacks almost impossible. They were capable of biting through most metals and even the interior of a ship was often insufficient protection against one of their attacks.\\

When humans and becians first came to Shogun they attempted to eradicate the pekahi population due to how dangerous the creatures were. The results were the near extermination of the first group of colonists. After that point it was decided to leave the pekahi alone and just stay out of their way.