Characters / LuckyJim

Lucky Jim

Biographical Information

Position: Second officer
Serial Number:

Physical Description

Species: Cyborg
Gender: Male(fixed)
Height: 5'7"
Hair color: burned off
Eye color: white

Chronological Information


Force Sensitivity


Behind the Scenes

Played by:
First Appearance:

Lucky Jim

Oh no! Not again!

Lucky Jim ain't so lucky.


Early Childhood

'Lucky' Jim is one of those people who exists solely for the purpose of demonstrating the principle 'it could always be worse' has no limits.

Secondary Education

School of hard knocks.

2350 and Beyond

After several highly eventful years as a red-shirt, mostly spent in sick-bay, a hospital accidentally sent him back to the wrong ship, and he thus joined the Sylven Glade under Captain Terwin.

For a few hours he thought that, for the first time in his life, things might actually have gotten better. Then he woke up in sick-bay with Captain Terwin applying an experimental bio-polymer of asbestos over freshly treated burns muttering something about highly flammable crew members.

After that things started getting really bad.

Personality Traits

Fearful, cowardly, pessimistic, and fully justified in all three. Wishes he could figure out why he is always catching on fire, when first officer Conifer never even seems to get scorched.

Behind the Scenes