Races / Dycovian


Homeworld: Dycovia
Language: Kaloombi
Average Height: 5'-6'
Hair Color: varies
Distinctions: no lips

Famous Members



Dycovians are a race of lipless mammalian humanoids from the deep core world of Dycovia. They are known for their business acumen and as being tricksters and extremely sarcastic.

Biology and Appearance

Dycovians have a somewhat frightening appearance to many species due to their exposed teeth which they can not hide behind lips. The majority of their skin is pale and pink, however their faces bear strange skeletal black features which tend to unnerve those they deal with. Dycovians have strong minds and even stronger circulatory systems allowing them to survive tremendous stress.

Culture and Society

Dycovian culture is based around the concept of sarcastic interaction with one another and this extends to their interaction with other races.


Early in their history dycovians came into nearly violent contact with the nearbye roviddians. As they were some of the only habitable planets in their region of the deep core their war did not spread to other worlds but they long ago developed a deep animosity for each other. Dycovians have not joined the Alliance and never seem to have any plans to.

Behind the Scenes

  • The look for dycovians is that of the death eater mask first used for Harry Potter sets.