Races / Roviddian


Homeworld: Rovid
Language: Do'halla
Average Height: 5'-6'
Hair Color: varies
Distinctions: glowing orange eyes

Famous Members


Roviddians are a humanoid species native to the harsh deep core world Rovid. They are often xenophobic and aggressive.

Biology and Appearance

Roviddians bear dark gray skin and glowing orange or yellow eyes. They have a higher constitution than most humanoids and boast a superior sense of balance and equilibrium. They are immune to several common humanoid poisons and have a set of glands at the base of their brains that produce heat necessary to survive on their homeworld.


The harsh environment of Rovid has turned the roviddians into a tribal nomadic race. Each tribe fighting with others for resources. Disputes were often settled through armed or unarmed combat. Thus combat and struggle have become an intricate part of their society.


Rovid has been embroiled in tribal struggles for thousands of years, though recently there had been a cease to the conflict due to the rise of Warlod Ambar Nikto after Nikto's deposition the tribal warfare resumed.

Behind the Scenes

  • Head from Orient Dragon Fortress Guard circa 2003.