Races / Zabrak


Homeworld: Iridonia
Average Height:
Hair Color:

Famous Members


The Zabrak, also known as Iridonians when referring to the Zabrak who came from Iridonia, were a carnivorous Near-Human species native to Iridonia, a planet located in the Mid Rim known for its inhospitable terrain and fierce predatory life. They were a species known for having a fierce sense of self-determination and an equally dominant need for independence.[1]

Biology and Appearance

Zabrak were Near-Human, but had a number of significant physical characteristics that set them apart from baseline Humanity. The most striking of these were a series of vestigial horns that crowned the heads of both males and females. These horns grew at puberty in varying patterns and signified that the time of their rite of passage was drawing near.
The horns were one trait shared by the many Zabrak subspecies, which were divided by a number of physical characteristics that differed from subspecies to subspecies. These could include different skin tones (which included peachy white, pure white, yellow, red, tan, brown and black), horn patterns, hair growth (though it should be noted that most Zabraks, unlike Humans, could not grow eyelashes or facial hair – there were some exceptions and eye color (which have certain pigmentations that Humans lack, such as purple, yellow, red, and orange).
Another of the traits that made Zabrak instantly recognizable were their facial tattoos, which were made up of thin lines received during their rite of passage. These could symbolize many things, including but not limited to family lineage, place of birth, or even a design that reflected their individual personalities.
Internally, Zabraks possessed a second heart. They also had great resistance to physical pain.[1]

Society and Culture

The Zabrak were nomadic and fiercely combative, forming only small villages and family units. Their culture was built around combat and strength, weeding out the weak and allowing only the strong to flourish. This attitude continued as they spread into the galaxy.


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