Races / Xenomorph


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Xenomorphs were a highly aggressive endoparasitoid extraterrestrial species.[1]

Biology and Appearance

When standing upright, Xenomorphs were vaguely bipedal in form, though they adopted a more hunched, quadrupedal stance when walking or sprinting. They had a skeletal, biomechanical appearance and were usually colored in muted shades of black, blue or bronze. Xenomorphs did not radiate heat, as their body heat matched the ambient temperature of the environment in which they were found.
The creatures are known for their potent acidic blood and their pharyngeal jaws, although their biological life cycle, in which their offspring are implanted inside living hosts before erupting violently from their chests, is in many ways their signature aspect.
Xenomorph blood is an extremely potent acid and is capable of corroding on contact almost any substance with alarming speed. It is dull yellowish-green in color, and seems to be pressurized inside the body so that it spurts out when punctured.
The Xenomorphs' primary weapon was their inner pharyngeal jaw, which was capable of shooting from their mouth like a piston with sufficient power to smash through bone and metal. In fact, a common tactic used by the creatures to eliminate prey was to restrain the victim with their hands, immobilizing them, before killing them with a precision jaw strike to the head, punching through the skull and penetrating the brain; this form of attack is colloquially known as a "Headbite". On several occasions, Xenomorphs had been seen to suspend those that they kill from the ceiling through unknown means.[1]

Society and Culture

The Xenomorphs were not an advanced civilization, but predatory creatures with no higher goals than the propagation of their species and the destruction of any life that could pose a threat to them. Like wasps or bees, Xenomorphs were eusocial, with a fertile Queen breeding a host of subordinate castes.[1]


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