Races / Viridian

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Homeworld: Viridia
Language: Viridi
Average Height: 9'
Hair Color:
Distinctions: Arthropods

Famous Members


Viridians were a race of large furred arthropods who excel at ship design and construction.

Biology and Appearance

Viridans were descended from arthropods and as such had six limbs. Their chitinous carapace was covered in a soft fur and they had large pincers protruding from their mandibles. They varied in the number of eyes they had, from as little as two to as many as eight eyes.

Society and Culture

Viridian society was structured around construction and engineering. Their entire way of life was about the creation of new things and the improvement of existing technology.


Viridians were an isolated race, they did not wish to be a part of the galaxy at large due to an event in their distant past the chased them from their original homeworld and forced them to settle on Viridia. A few viridians began to spread out into the galaxy after the Alliance made contact with them, but most preferred to stay on Viridia.

Behind the Scenes

Viridians use a number of heads from LEGO Legends of Chima, as well as Monster Hunters. They are one of the races created by the builder for his own universe rather than taken or parodying one from another work of fiction.