Races / Talz

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Homeworld: Alzoc III
Average Height:
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Famous Members


The Talz were a large furry species with two distinct sets of eyes: one for day vision, and one for night vision. Their homeworld was Alzoc III, a frozen world with much mineral wealth. Talz were rarely seen in the galaxy away from their homeworld.[1]

Biology and Appearance

Talz were large, bipedal creatures, averaging 2 to 2.5 meters tall. Bulky creatures, they were covered head to toe in thick white fur, which provided exceptional insulation against their frozen world. Talz had four eyes, which were also adaptations to their native environment. The larger set of eyes were shut during the day, when sunlight reflected off the snow with dazzling brightness —able to blind sensitive optical organs, leaving the smaller set to navigate with. Alternatively, during the deep darkness of their homeworld's moonless night, the larger pair were utilized to provide the Talz with adequate vision.
Talz used a small proboscis to eat and communicate, using a language of high-pitched chirps and buzzes, with variable pitch an essential feature. Their language was known alternatively as Talzzi.[1]

Society and Culture

Talz had extremely large hands, sporting a set of sharp-clawed talons, which tended to make others think twice before getting into a brawl with a Talz. Despite these fierce claws, most Talz were gentle and kind-hearted creatures. They were diligent and tireless workers. As a society, Talz were still a primitive species who had barely evolved sentience by the time the Galactic Empire discovered them. Talz were limited users of tools, constructing primitive shelters to further protect them from the icy cold climate though they still understood basic technological concepts like blaster fire and speeders. Their psychology and societal relationships, however, were very complex—based on clans and extended families—with sophisticated mechanisms for redistribution of resources to provide the greatest benefit for the species. The Talz had no concept of ownership, and instead "borrowed" objects from neighbors if needed, or gave away objects they did not own. Many non-Talz deemed them to be thieves as a result. For this reason, non-Talz who worked with them kept all objects and tools under lock and key. Many people who worked with Talz thought that trying to teach them the meaning of ownership was a wasted effort.[1]


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