Races / Symbiote

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Homeworld: Unknown
Language: Unknown
Average Height: Variable
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: bonds with other lifeforms

Famous Members


Symbiotes were amorphous creatures which latched on to other lifeforms and merge with their bodies and minds to create new hybrid beings. They enhanced strength and dexterity and tended to enhance other aspects depending on the nature of their host. They also increased aggression and violent tendencies to a variable degree.

Biology and Appearance

Symbiotes resembled black tar that moved around of its own free will and could extend pseudopods as need to move or to latch onto potential hosts. Once bonded with a host they could change the host's appearance at will and the form they took depended greatly on the host.

Society and Culture

Symbiotes had no society or culture to speak of, they were solitary creatures that bonded with a host and adopted their culture.


Behind the Scenes

Symbiotes come from the Marvel? universe.