Races / Sullustan


Homeworld: Sullust
Average Height:
Hair Color:

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Sullustans were a species of Near-Humans from Sullust. As skilled pilots and navigators, Sullustans, also known as Bomewrights, were common sights for spacers and at busy spaceports.[1]

Biology and Appearance

A diminutive species of near-Humans, Sullustans ranged from 1 to 1.8 meters in height and bore round, tapered skulls. Sullustans were distinguishable for their almond-shaped black eyes, facial jowls called dewflaps and large, round ears.
Having evolved in the underground of their planet, their wide earlobes provided excellent hearing and sense of directional sound, and their large eyes provided exceptional low-light vision and excellent peripheral vision. Sullustans could see up to 20 meters in the dark without being sensitive to infra-red, meaning they could effectively read and see normally with no light at all. Perhaps due to their relative lack of exposure to natural light, Sullustans began to suffer from corneal defects after 30 standard years. After significant deterioration, many chose to wear special visors to prevent further damage. Some Sullustans tattooed their heads as a form of individual expression.
Like humans, Sullustans had only a single heart and one stomach. It was very difficult to get a Sullustan drunk, and Sullustans who did get drunk did not suffer hangovers.
Sullustans were pink-skinned and generally hairless, although facial hair was known to occur in some cases in males. Cranial hair was rare for males, but females of the species often grew it; it was considered a symbol of individuality and was worn in a manner helping to express this.
Sullustans possessed exceptional innate sense of direction and intuition since their civilization grew in underground tunnels; many were able to navigate a path after seeing a map only once. This ability extended to sublight, warp, and hyperspace navigation, as well as patrol work, so much so that Sullustans made excellent scouts, pilots and navigators.[1]

Society and Culture

Sullustans were outgoing and mercantile, friendly and pragmatic. As a species they were altogether lacking in xenophobia. Though fond of practical jokes and extremely shrewd in their business dealings, they were eager to explore and travel the galaxy. Inquisitive by nature, some have described Sullustans as reckless, especially for their preference to learn and discover whenever possible through personal experience.
Sullustans organized themselves into familial units known as Warren-clans. Each clan consisted of one polyandrous female, several husbands and their young. Unmated females, known as "Fems", were active members of their communities until they reached the status of "Ready" which marked their breeding years. At the outset of Ready, "Fems" chose their mates and founded their own Warren-clans.
Few Sullustans left their homeworld, but those that did often found employment as pilots or merchants. [1]


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