Races / Shistavanen


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The Shistavanens, colloquially nicknamed wolfmen for their lupine appearance, were a sentient species from the planet Uvena Prime.[1]

Biology and Appearance

The Shistavanens originated on the planet Uvena Prime. In addition to natural evolution, the Shistavanen species was shaped by unknown genetic engineers. Like many lupine species, Shistavanens had pronounced muzzles, sharp claws, long pointed teeth, and pointed ears set on top of their heads. Shistavanens also possessed large glowing eyes, and could also run at high speeds for long periods without getting tired, alternately using two or four limbs. As predators, they possessed keen senses of hearing and smell, and excellent night vision.[1]

Society and Culture

As a species, the Shistavanens were isolationists. This was evident by the species colonizing all the unpopulated worlds in the Uvena system to prevent them from being settled by non-Shistavanens, their restrictive trade laws (which were unapologetic in how they favored their own kind over off-world traders), and from the fact that they did not often mix with other species. Most of their society used technology similar to the rest of the galaxy, though some parts of Uvena Prime used slightly less sophisticated technology.
A minority of Shistavanens were more outgoing, and traveled the galaxy's hyperlanes. Even these Shistavanens usually remained by themselves or with other Shistavanens. Due to their natural predatory instincts, Shistavanens commonly found employment as scouts, mercenaries and bounty hunters. Many other species reacted badly to Shistavanens, since their isolationist culture made them an unfamiliar sight, and their predatory appearance put other species on edge.[1]


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