Races / Rodian


Homeworld: Rodia
Language: Rodian
Average Height:
Hair Color:

Famous Members


Rodians were a reptilian humanoid species native to Rodia. Highly recognizable due to characteristics in facial structure and skin pigment, Rodians were infamous for their violent culture, which sprang from the difficulties of life in the jungles of their homeworld. Though they were often relegated to the fringes of galactic society as bounty hunters or criminal henchmen, Rodians were not merely simple-minded thugs. The Rodian people managed to produce artists, merchants, and politicians who were found even among the upper classes of the Alliance.[1]

Biology and Appearance

The Rodians were green-skinned humanoids from the planet Rodia. They possessed distinctive faces; large, round, multifaceted eyes, tapir-like snouts, and a pair of saucer-shaped antennae on their heads, which served to detect vibrations. Rodian skin normally had a rough, pebbly texture, except on their hands and snouts. The flexible snouts augmented the Rodians' finely-tuned olfactory senses, collecting and filtering the air. Their characteristically-large eyes were indicative of a primarily-nocturnal ancestry and were capable of seeing into the infra-red spectrum. This allowed the Rodians to visually detect the body heat of their hidden prey emanating from within the darkness. Due to their love of fighting and active lifestyles, most Rodians kept in good condition, normally lean and wiry.[1]

Society and Culture

Rodian culture was obsessed with violence and death, due to behaviors and practices that were ingrained since their earliest ancestry. Their densely-packed jungle homeworld was ill-suited for agriculture, requiring Rodians to compete with vicious predators for most of their food. Some of these predators, such as ghests, could wipe out entire Rodian villages. As the Rodians developed cunning hunting tactics to survive, the hunt became central to their culture. Eventually, having driven most of the other predators on the planet to near-extinction, they began to hunt each other in various wars and gladiatorial contests.
Millennia later, all of Rodia was dominated by a handful of large, powerful clans, which had eliminated or enslaved their smaller neighbors. The leader of the most powerful clan, the Soammei clan, eventually proclaimed himself Inta'si'rin'na, or Grand Protector of the Rodians. Through the rest of Rodian history, the title of Grand Protector shifted from clan to clan with the subsequent changes in loyalties and power. Grand Protectors ruled all of Rodia as dictators. [1]


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