Races / Rodentian


Homeworld: Rodentis
Language: Rodin
Average Height: 1/2'
Hair Color: brown, black, grey, white
Distinctions: rat like

Famous Members

Ambassador Scabbers


Rodentians are a murin species native to the colonial world Rodentis.

Biology and Appearance

Rodentians appear as Earth rats but evolved along different lines into sentient quadrupeds. As they have no opposable thumbs they have no developed tools but they have sophisticated intellect and a great survival instinct.
Rodentian females give birth many times over the course of their lives, often to litters of 10 to 16 offspring and attempt to raise all of them to adulthood.
They rage from white, grey and black to shades of brown and beige.

Culture and Society

Rodentian culture is based around scavenging and foraging. They have close family relationships and often have very large families.


Not being able to build tools and technology of their own the rodentians instead spread into the galaxy by stowing away on board the ships of those who came to explore their homeworld.

Behind the Scenes