Races / Rath

Attach:pic.jpg Δ

Homeworld: Unknown
Language: Unknown
Average Height: 5'-6'
Hair Color: varies
Distinctions: vicious killers

Famous Members


The Rath were a vicious degenerate species only interested in death and destruction. They would swarm onto a ship and kill everyone on board with their makeshift weapons, sharpened claws and sharpened teeth.

Biology and Appearance

The rath were humanoid in appearance, but had large claws and sharpened teeth. Their eyes were wild and their bodies held up to punishment better than most humanoids. Their skin ranged in color but seemed sickly in all cases.

Society and Culture

The rath had no society, and no culture, they were simply violent and destructive.


What the rath were before they became monsters is unknown, only that the end of the universe hardened them into killing machines bent on violence and destruction.

Behind the Scenes

The rath are all orcs from the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit? LEGO sets.