Races / Qixencotll


Homeworld: Unknown
Language: Unknown
Average Height: 12" long
Hair Color: varies
Distinctions: serpentine

Famous Members

Jedi Master Talkoni


The Qixencotll were a race of serpentine creatures who were rarely seen in the galaxy. Their homeworld and much about their race remained unknown. They were known to live very long and have a strong aptitude for the Force.

Biology and Appearance

The Qixencottl were serpentine in nature with large eyes and no discernible appendages. They were descendants of the Old Ones and as such were capable of producing tentacles and other horrible appendages when it was called for.

Society and Culture

Almost nothing was ever known about Qixencottl society or culture, only that they were often very solitary creatures and chose lives of monastic study.


The few Qixencottl encountered in the galaxy were often hermits or monks, studying teachings of ancient races and ancient philosophies. They often acted as teachers for those who needed guidance.

Behind the Scenes

The Qixencottl were created entirely for Master Talkoni to give him a much more alien look.