Races / Pesh


Homeworld: Buda Pesh
Language: Peshli
Average Height: 5'-6'
Hair Color:
Distinctions: insectoid

Famous Members


Pesh are an insectoid humanoid species from the colonial world of Buda Pesh. They can not function in the atmosphere most humanoids find comfortable and are forced to wear a complex breathing apparatus when visiting other worlds.

Biology and Appearance

Pesh are an insectoid humanoid species incapable of breathing the air most species subsist on and are thus forced to wear protective gear to breath and function among other races. Their natural mixture of breathable gasses appear to be several copper and sulfur based gases.

Culture and Society

Pesh live in a hierarchical society based on the hive structure their race once had in their evolution. They are more than just drones and a queen however and there appear to be several layers to their societal structure.


Buda Pesh joined the Alliance during the colonial expansion.

Behind the Scenes

  • They are seen in space stations in the background wearing the "Alien Avenger" helmet from Space Lego sets circa 1997.