Races / Naga


Homeworld: Ophidia
Language: Parseltoungue
Average Height:
Hair Color:
Distinctions: Large Snakes

Famous Members

Master Netpo Et


Naga are an ophidioid species native to the jungles of Ophidia. They posses a highly developed intellegence and include some of the most noted writers in the galaxy.

Biology and Appearance

Naga are large snakelike creatures often with humanoid torsos and arms, though sometimes without. Though coldblooded their feature large brains capable of complex thought, which they mostly focus on literary circles.

Culture and Society

Naga culture is based around two things: the written word and unhinging their jaws to eat.


The naga joined the Alliance early and were behind many of the important legal documents in the early Alliance. They continue to play a large literary role in fiction and nonfiction as well as legal documentation and speech writing.

Behind the Scenes