Races / Marcyss

Attach:marcyss.jpg Δ

Language: Mair
Average Height: 5'-6'
Hair Color: None
Distinctions: amphibians

Famous Members


Marcyss were an amphibioid species known across the galaxy for their diplomatic skills.

Biology and Appearance

Marcyss were an amphibioid species that otherwise appeared humanoid. Their large head and large eyes resembled ithorians however they lacked the complex vocal system of the ithorians. Their skin color was also far more varied and colorful. It was speculated that they might be close cousins to the ithorians.

Society and Culture

Marcyss society was complex and layered, based on protocols and etiquette that often confused other species. They did not hold others to their rigorous rules, but their own people either aided by those rules or were imprisoned.


Marcyss history was filled with bloody conflict and monstrous acts until a system of etiquette was established and harshly enforced across their entire world. Though they often showed harsh reactions to those who break their rules, their society eventually became one of peace and order.

Behind the Scenes

  • Marcyss are named for fourmite Marcyss for getting fourth place in the Name an Alien! contest and naming the Xavist.