Races / Kree

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The Kree were a scientifically and technologically advanced militaristic race of blue-skinned aliens from the planet Hala. One of the most technologically efficient races in the galaxy, the Kree controled a vast empire that is characterized by its barbarism, savagery, and arrogance.[1]

Biology and Appearance

The Kree were a humanoid species and resemble the human race almost exactly, with the exception of having blue skin. They had a higher strength level than that of a human, and their physicality was different, having adapted to various environmental characteristics on their home planet.
Another noteworthy trait was their highly potent regenerative capabilities, which often extended to other races transfused with their blood.[1]

Society and Culture

The Kree lived as a militaristic and aggressive society. They moved to subjugate any around them and were unappologetic about mass genocide even if it conflicted with their political allies.


Behind the Scenes