Races / Kravio

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Homeworld: Unknown
Language: Krav
Average Height: 5'-6'
Hair Color: Black
Distinctions: Third Eye

Famous Members


The Kravio were one of the oldest younger races and known to be powerfully psychic. They possesed both a figurative and literal third eye which allowed them to see the future, the past, and into the truth of things. They traveled the galaxy as prophets but are often feared and persecuted for telling things people did not wish to hear.

Biology and Appearance

The kravio had pale white skin and red eyes, including their third eye which was on their forehead but concealed when they were not spouting prophecy.

Society and Culture

Due to their powerful psychic ability the kravio became a wandering solitary race. Any society they built crumbled and their true home world was never known, even to most of them.


The history of the kravio was one of tragedy and ignorance. Their prophecies were often ignored or touted as witchcraft, causing the dismisal or destruction of the kravio at "fault."

Behind the Scenes

The Kravio heads come from the Space Police III line of LEGO sets.