Races / Immortal

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Homeworld: Zeist
Language: varies
Average Height: 5'-6'
Hair Color: varies
Distinctions: Immortal, unless head removed.

Famous Members


Immortals were a race of immortal humanoids from the planet Zeist. They only died when their heads were cut off and when this happened all of their power was released into the person who killed them.

Biology and Appearance

Immortals appeared outwardly human by all accounts, however they were able to regenerate from any injury and arise from the dead. Their first death triggered this and kept them at the appearance they had when they first died. They could only be permanently killed by severing their head from their shoulders, at which point all of their life energy would be released into the nearest immortal.

Society and Culture

Immortal culture and society revolved around the Quickening and the Game, the former being the energy transferred from one immortal to another, the latter being the idea that in the end there could be only one.


Immortal history was one of blood and violence and constant warfare in an attempt for one member of the species to be the last standing.

Behind the Scenes

The Immortals are from the Highlander? universe.