Races / Hylian


Homeworld: Hyrule
Language: Hylian
Average Height:
Hair Color:

Famous Members


The Hylians were a race of humans from the planet of Hyrule. The most famous Hylians are the many heroes and princesses that share the same name as one another, the latter being of blood relation and naming tradition.[1]

Biology and Appearance

Descended from the people who lived among the goddess Hylia long prior to the establishment of Hyrule as a kingdom, they were a magic race with pointed ears who have inherited the blood, powers and abilities of their ancient ancestors.[1]

Society and Culture

Little remained but ruins of the Hylian people, but their decedents spread all over Hyrule, mingling with the humanity there and becoming a part of their culture and traditions in stories and legends of great heroes and powerful sorcerers.


Legends abounded of the history of the Hylian people, but much was lost to time and flood. Though history had a way to repeating itself for those of the Hylian blood.

Behind the Scenes