Races / Hagridian


Homeworld: Lotria
Language: Gigante
Average Height: 9'-10'
Hair Color: variable
Distinctions: large

Famous Members


Hagridians are a race of giant humanoids who inhabit Lotria. They are characterized by their large bodies and small heads, sometimes hidden in masses of hair and beard.

Biology and Appearance

Hagridians were once known as giants in Lotria but have adopted the name when the new regime began. They have larger than average bodies though their heads are similar in size to most other humanoids. They are not unintellegent but their thinking does not move as quickly as other humanoids.

Culture and Society

Human settlers on Lotria have subjugated and tormented hagridians in a variety of fashions leading to a culture of soft spoken, shy, and sometimes cowardly people. They are boisterous and love to drink and most of their society revolves around taverns built to their scale.


When humans first appeared on Lotria they referred to hagridians as giants and feared and hunted them, sometimes enslaving them to do labor they did not want to do themselves, not necessarily that was too heavy for them, just the boring stuff they didn't want to do. When the 7 great books came to Lotria the humans began to refer to the giants as hagridians and they adopted this name as their own, receiving somewhat better treatment and being instrumental in the new order's rise to power.

Behind the Scenes

  • Based on Hagrid of Harry Potter with Hagrid bodies from the Harry Potter sets.