Races / GelatinousBlob

Gelatinous Blob

Homeworld: Jello 7
Language: Gelosian
Average Height: variable
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: made of gel

Famous Members

Gelatinous Blob

Gelatinous Blobs are large masses of sentient gelatin.

Biology and Appearance

Gelatinous Blobs are as their names suggest made up of a sentient gelatin. They have eyes and a single orifice with which to eat, talk, and excrete. They reproduce asexually and function like large amoeba.

Culture and Society

Gelatinous Blob culture is not well defined as due to their gelatinous nature studies of their interactions have been limited.


After evolving from amoeba gelatinous blobs began to experiment with technology eventually leading them space and interactions with other races.

Behind the Scenes

  • Created as a prop for a joke.
  • Based on the Horrible Gelatinous Blob of Futurama?.