Races / Frankensteinian


Homeworld: Transylvania
Language: Monosylab
Average Height: 7'
Hair Color: varies
Distinctions: amalgam creature

Famous Members

Senator Frank N. Stein


Frankensteinians are a race cobbled together from the remnants of other races, in the sense that each individual is composed of the former bodies of other beings. These remains are sewn together and then animated through the careful application of science.

Biology and Appearance

Frankensteinians are not exactly a race so much as a collection of body parts from other races. They are usually created but have managed to breed true as a species of their own. Though very often news members of the species are built from organic remains an animated through scientific means, usually a jump start of the system via lightening.

Culture and Society

Frankensteinians are slowly creating a culture and society made from pieces of other cultures and societies.


The practice of creating frankensteinians originated thousands of years ago on Tranyslvania but has not spread to other worlds, in fact several worlds find the practice horrifying and have outlawed it.

Behind the Scenes

  • Based on Frankenstein's Monster and John Kerry.