Races / ElKampen


Homeworld: Unknown
Average Height: varies
Hair Color: varies
Distinctions: You never see
them move

Famous Members


El'Kampens were pudgy, slow moving, docile creatures from an unknown world.

Biology and Appearance

El'Kampens were large, slow moving, creatures that lumbered about slowly on a number of worlds. They were often bright colored and speckled along their backs.

Society and Culture

Very little was ever known about El'Kampen society or culture, only that they communicated in a strange pictographic language and enjoyed eating. How they spread to multiple worlds is entirely unknown as they appeared to have no technology.


Though found on many worlds, no home world was ever discovered for the El'Kampens. Those who were able to communicate with them learned that they called such a world Home, but gave no indication on where it might be or how they got to the various worlds they now lived on.

Behind the Scenes

El'Kampens are based on the character Pumbum and his friends designed by Laurel K.