Races / Dragonian


Homeworld: Hyrule, Lotria,
Fantasia VII
Language: Drac
Average Height: Varies
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: Dragons

Famous Members



Dragonians or Space Dragons are a large reptilian race who originated on several planets or were spread to those worlds from some unknown origin. They vary considerably but most are able to fly and survive in the vacuum of space.

Biology and Appearance

Dragonians are a race of large reptilian creatures who vary greatly in appearance and shape but share several major characteristics, such as the ability to fly through space, breath fire, and survive extreme conditions. They have scaly hides of variable color, some of whom change color as they age. They have an incredible lung capacity and three hearts which allow blood to circulate much more efficiently. How they are able to breathe and survive in space is still a mystery.

Culture and Society

Dragonian culture and society differ from world to world but they appear to worship a single Dragon Diety and have a mutual understanding that if any two come across each other in the galaxy that they will not initiate combat. Dragonians who have never met have been known to aide one of their own people in combat regardless of circumstances.


Whether dragonians evolved on different worlds simultaneously or were spread to those worlds from some point of origin by another race is unknown, but on each of their worlds they have developed reputations as powerful thinkers and collectors of wealth. They often hold positions of power wherever they go.

Behind the Scenes