Races / Dobian


Homeworld: Lotria
Language: Sniv
Average Height: 3'-5'
Hair Color: white
Distinctions: large ears

Famous Members

Master Chipolte


Dobians are one of the native species of Lotria, known for their long ears, often diminutive stature and high pitched voices. Many have flet Lotria in recent years and spread throughout the galaxy.

Biology and Appearance

Dobians are generally diminutive and have long floppy pointed ears. They often have the appearance of cowering before others. It is difficult for even them to discern anymore the distinct differences between males and females of the species which results in rather awkward mating rituals.
Dobians also feature a Merlin glad unique to their species which allows them to absorb and utilize Merlin Radiation found on several worlds to perform magic.

Culture and Society

Dobian culture has become subservient to the humans of Lotria for many years, and what had once been a regal people are now spat upon and treated as garbage, this has lead many dobians to flee the world and seek their fortunes in the galaxy at large.


It is said that long ago when the first humans arrived on Lotria that the Dobians were beautiful and ethereal but over the millennia they have evolved into saggy eared diminutive creatures.

Behind the Scenes