Races / Dinosaur


Homeworld: The Planet Lost World
Language: Saurian
Average Height: Varies
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: Dinosaurs!

Famous Members


Dinosaurs are a saurian species from the outer rim world of the Planet Lost World. They vary greatly from individual to individual but as a whole the large repitles are classified as a single species.

Biology and Appearance

Dinosaurs are a extremely varied species broken up into several subspecies who inhabit the Planet Lost World. It is speculated that they were transplanted there or moved their on their own millions of years ago from Earth but this has never been conclusively proven to their satisfaction. Unlike the dinosaurs of earth they are a sentient and intelligent species. They range from exclusive carnivores to exclusive herbivores and live on land, in the water and some are even capable of flight. All lay eggs which are cared for by both parents.

Culture and Society

They resent being hunted for sport by big game hunters, but play along in hopes of killing them. They do not venture out beyond their world very often as they feel they do not "fit in" with other more humanoid species.


At some point in history it is speculated that they moved themselves or were transplanted from Earth before the catastrophy which wiped out the same species on that planet, they have since settled on their new home and thrive as a primitive society, having forgone most technology.

Behind the Scenes

  • Dinosaur transplantation has occurred quite a bit in science fiction.