Races / Dasharki


Homeworld: Ketharka
Language: Sharku
Average Height: 6'
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: shark head

Famous Members


Da'Sharki are a semi aquatic race from the inner rim world of Ketharka. Their bodies appear humanoid however their heads resemble the entire body of a shark, with their internal organs distributed between the two "bodies." They are vicious and constantly hungry.

Biology and Appearance

The da'sharki are an aquatic race which appear to have the body of a humanoid but instead of a head they have the entire body of a shark. Most of their digestive system is located within the shark head, as is their brain. Their cardiovascular system is more localized to the humanoid body, with two hearts necessary to pump blood to the rest of the system. They are carnivorous and have voracious appetites and are not above eating other humanoids, though on their homeworld their diet consists mostly of fish.

Culture and Society

The da'sharki maintain a matriarchal society as the females of the species are larger and more aggressive. Their mating rituals are long and complex and usually result in only one or two offspring every 20 years.
They are not particularly xenophobic but most other races have an innate fear of them, which is justified as they have been known to eat other races.


Though they have been part of the Alliance space for many years it is only recently that they have joined officially. Even before this a member of the species was responsible for the creation and marketing of Snarky Shark's Eatery, which has since been purchased by the Clooner Corporation.

Behind the Scenes

  • Human body with a shark head seemed amusing and absurd.