Races / Chozo


Homeworld: Talon IV
Language: Chozo
Average Height: 9'
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: avian

Famous Members


The Chozo were an ancient race of birdlike beings that inhabited several planets in the cosmos, including Zebes, SR388, Talon IV and likely others. Although the eventual fate of the race as a whole is unknown, countless ruins and technological wonders are littered throughout the many of the planets they once inhabited.[1]

Biology and Appearance

The Chozo were a large flightless avian race. Very little is known about their actual biology, however.

Society and Culture

The Chozo culture seems to have always been a peaceful one, prizing knowledge in all its forms. The Chozo were explorers in every sense of the word, simultaneously seeking scientific and technological advancement, interstellar exploration, and primal shamanistic wisdom. They often shared their wisdom with other races not as advanced as their own. The balance between technology and spiritualism seems to be another defining trait of the Chozo culture. Many of their structures were built of stone, although it is clear they were capable of using far more advanced materials and building techniques. This is most prevalent in the crafting of their statues, which seem to be present in all Chozo colonies. This art form was considered to be a sacred process, reserved only for those Chozo who had lifetimes of experience in such things.[1]


Behind the Scenes

  • 1: Information obtained and slightly modified from Metroid Wiki.