Races / Chitauri

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Homeworld: Unknown
Language: Unknown
Average Height: 6'-7'
Hair Color: none

Famous Members


The Chitauri were an often aggressive militant race.

Biology and Appearance

Between the greyish blue skin covering their bodies and their skeletal faces, the chitauri resembled walking corpses. Their minds were easily subverted en mass and were often used as puppet armies due to their easily manipulable nature and their aggressive natural tendencies.

Society and Culture

The chitauri had very little society and culture, those who's minds had not been hollowed out to form massive armies usually worked as mercenaries and floated around the galaxy in search of money and violence.


Though their true origins are unknown the chitauri were speculated to have been engineered by some other species.

Behind the Scenes

The chitauri are from the Marvel Avengers LEGO sets, and based on the Earth-199999 Marvel Cinematic Universe chitauri.