Races / Cerean


Homeworld: Cerea
Language: Cerean
Average Height: 6'-7'
Hair Color: Red, blonde,
brown, black (usually turning gray or white with age)
Distinctions: Cone-like skulls

Famous Members

Ki Adi Mundi


Cereans are a sophisticated and cultured humanoid mammalian species that hail from the planet Cerea in the Mid Rim. They have tall tapering heads, which house large binary brains, enabling them to focus on many things at the same time. Aside from this unique feature, Cereans are physically similar to humans, although they possess an extra heart, which supplies extra blood circulation to support their brains.[1]

Biology and Appearance

Their enlarged skulls, extending up to twenty centimeters above their foreheads, house complex binary brains, provided with sufficient blood by an extra heart in their heads. The binary structure of Cerean thinking helps them to ponder two sides of an issue at once. It also enables them to process information and solve problems rapidly. Because of their thoughtful nature, they tend to be calm, rational, and analytical, preferring peaceful philosophies and a lifestyle which worked in harmony with nature. Though the quick-thinking Cereans have equally quick reflexes, they were commonly not as well coordinated as Humans. Because of the weight of their enlarged skulls, Cereans often have back problems.[1]

Society and Culture

Cereans developed a low-tech society on their homeworld, and preferred to live in isolation from the wider galaxy.[1] However, during the years leading up to the Synari War, a generational dispute erupted on Cerea when the younger generation took up a rebellious stance against their low-tech society. Many Cerean youths wished to own such technology as was commonplace in the Alliance, like starships and speeder bikes and ham radios.


Cerea was one of the first worlds to join the Alliance.

Behind the Scenes


1. "Star Wars Wiki: Cerean". starwars.wikia.com/.