Races / Birdian


Homeworld: Birdaea
Language: Inebria
Average Height: 4'
Hair Color: variable
Distinctions: flat bodies

Famous Members

Darth Drunkard


Birdians were a flat boddied reptilian species who evolved on the outer rim world of Birdaea. They were known for their large livers and enjoyment of drinking alcoholic beverages.

Biology and Appearance

Birdians evolved from a crude 2 dimensional species into a slightly more 3 dimensional species that still retained a lot of their 2-d structure. Their livers were nearly 3 times the size of those of other species and they boasted a bipulmanory system, with one heart dedicated entirely to regulating bloodflow to their liver, allowing them to process alcohol on a level far exceeding other species.

Culture and Society

Birdian society was based around the culture of alcohol, they were very social with each other and with other races, especially when drinking. Though it was inadvisable to get into a drinking contest with any member of the species, no matter how intent they are on the challenge.


Most conflicts in birdian history were due to drunken slurs, misinterpretations, and disputes caused in the midst of angry hangovers. Despite all of this birdians were able to spread out into the galaxy and join the Alliance.

Behind the Scenes